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  "Dammit!" Veronica yells. Taylor squeezes her.

  "We'll fix it!" Vaughn tells her. I want to go to her, comfort her somehow. I want to wrap my arms around her and hold her, but I can't. "I'll call AAA," Vin says as he pulls out his phone, walking away from the commotion. My feet are moving me forward before my head is registering what I'm doing. I grab her, pulling her away from Taylor and crush her to my body. Her arms wrap around my waist, her head nuzzles into my chest, and I lower my head next to her ear. I hear her sniffle. "It'll be okay, V. This is fixable. You did so awesome out there," I whisper.

  I look up and all eyes are on us. Well, not everyone’s. Vance and Wes are at the front of Veronica's car, Vin is on the phone with his back to us, but Taylor and Vaughn are watching us thoroughly. I pull her away quickly. "It'll be okay!" I tell her, pat her head, and walk away. Vaughn's eyeing me carefully. I look at him.

  "What?" I ask, "She looked like she needed a hug, and not from an asshat like you." I laugh, nervously. I head over to Vance and Wes at the front of the car. "What're you thinking?" I ask both of them.

  "It's hard to tell, and it's too hot to open the hood yet." He lays down on the ground about a foot away from the bumper. I look up. Vaughn is standing in front of Veronica blocking her from my view, but Taylor is staring at me, her eyebrow arched up with a wide smile. She winks and then turns her attention to V. Vin joins us, "They say the tow truck will be here in about an hour, so I'm guessing we have two." He nods at Veronica's car. "What you thinkin’, Vance?"

  He shrugs, "Radiator. Probably more. Definitely radiator fluid leaking. We'll take a good look at it tomorrow.

  "V!" Vin shouts. She peeks around Vaughn, but they all look our way. "Have the driver take it right to the garage. We'll take a look at it in the morning." V nods. Vaughn puts his arm around her and guides her to his car. They get in and drive up towards our spot. The rest of us walk. A sleek black lowered Honda drives up next to us, "Yo! Wes! We gonna do this or what?"

  "Yeah, as soon as you pop your hood," Wes tells this kid, who I've never seen before.

  "Nah, we don't have time for that shit."

  "No-go then." Wes' composure is calm as he walks with his arm around Taylor.

  "Don't be a pussy, man!"

  Wes shakes his head. "Don't be a dick, Ryder."

  "You're just scared you're gonna get your ass handed to you."

  "Move along now." Wes waves his hand in front of himself. Ryder revs his engine and peels off, kicking up dirt and rocks from aside the pavement. We all jump out of the way.

  "Fuckin' prick!" Vance yells. Ryder's hand goes up, along with his middle finger. "Fuckin' prick." Vance mumbles again, under his breath this time. We all keep walking in the grassy area until we reach our spot. Veronica is sitting on Vance's trunk. Vaughn is nowhere in sight.

  "Where's Vaughn?" Vin asks.

  "He went to get me ‘I'm sorry’ food," Veronica smiles wide and kicks her feet out. The move makes me smile and I can’t help but think how cute she is. Taylor jumps up next to her and moves her legs open as Wes stands in between them. They do it without thinking, just something so natural to them and I find myself...envious. Wes is animatedly talking to Vin and Vance. Taylor wraps her arms around his shoulders, resting her head on the top of his.

  My eyes move to Veronica. She's listening to them talk, yet her eyes are also on her best friend and boyfriend. She bites her lip, as her face softens. Her eyes flicker to me like she knows I'm staring at her. She releases her lip from her teeth, "What?" she mouths. I shake my head.

  Vaughn walks up at this moment, carrying a tray full of food. As the guys crowd him, all attention on the food, I make my move. Nonchalantly moving towards Veronica, I lean against the back fender facing my body towards hers.

  I hear, "No!" followed by a loud whack, "Get your own, you leeches!" Vaughn yells. Vin shoves a pile of fries into his mouth, as Vance rubs his hand. Vaughn moves to place the tray in between V and me, causing me to move back. He grabs the burger off the tray and takes a large bite and with his mouth full he says something completely incoherent. Somehow, V seems to know exactly what he says. "Thanks, bro!"

  I spot deep-fried Oreos and quick swipe one from the little carton they sit in.

  "Hey!" Veronica protests. I take a bite and wink, "I'll make it up to you."

  Like Dessert

  If we weren't surrounded by people, in the middle of the track's parking lot, I would so jump Chase right now. My stomach is swirling with butterflies. I don't know why, but when he throws me a wink, it just does something to me. I find it incredibly sexy. I'm still staring at him as he eats my deep-fried Oreo. If it were one of my brothers that shanked one I'd smack it right out of their hand, but I'm sitting here just watching his beautiful mouth chew MY Oreo. I'd give him another one just to watch his mouth if I didn't love food so much.

  I've been silently questioning his actions. He hasn't come out and told me he's into me, but there's no doubt about it. He wants me as much as I want him. I think back to his embrace, and supportive words after my car broke down. I was so consumed with my car, his actions didn't seem like much until now. All this fills me with joy and anxiety. Chase has been Vance's friend since middle school. He's seen me in my awkward stages, so I can't fathom why he would be interested in me. I used to follow them around all the time. They'd tell me to get lost and I'd cry, then mom would make them hang out with me.

  I have no idea how this would even work...there's no way it could. He's friends with all of my brothers but being Vance's best friend is the worst. He would never let me date his friend. He doesn't even want me to date at all! All these things are ping-ponging inside my head.

  I had zoned out, staring at Chase, but not quite looking at him. Chase waves his hand in front of my face. "Hello? V?” I focus my eyes on him, “Ah, there you are. What's going on in that head of yours?" he asks with a wicked grin on his face.

  I focus on him, shaking the fog from my brain. Quick! Think of something to say. "I can't believe you just swiped an Oreo!" I blurt out. He chuckles and opens his mouth to say something, but is interrupted.

  "Chase!" Vance is coming towards us. "You ready to take the Z out?" Chase stands up straight which gives some distance between us. He crosses his arms over his chest, his muscles bulging. Yum.


  "Let's do this!" Vance whoops. Chase moves away from Vaughn's car and makes his way to his car parked on the other side of Wes'. He looks at me before getting in, winks, and follows it up with a white smile. Well, just stick a fork in me.

  I. Am. Done.

  Wes moves from between Taylor's legs and kisses her, then jogs to his car. Vaughn is walking to me, "I'm gonna go run again, hop-off V."

  "Well, must be nice," I say sliding down his fender until my feet hit the ground.

  "Don't be salty, V. I'm sorry your car broke. Maybe you should trade her in for a dub."

  "Ew. No way in hell."

  He laughs. I pick up the tray of food that managed to disappear, taking it to the nearest garbage can. Taylor comes bouncing up next to me, her arm looping through mine, "Well, well, well ... someone is definitely smitten with my bestie." She bumps her hip into mine.

  "Tay, I'm in so much trouble."

  "Oh yes, you are! You don't see the way he looks at you, my friend."

  I look at her. "And what way would that be?"

  "Like you're dessert. Like the last dessert on earth."

  I sigh, "Oh nooo."


  "What do I do?"

  "What do you want to do?"

  I throw away the garbage and place the tray on top. I turn around to look at Taylor. "I'm terrified!" I confess, "I like him. What's not to like? He's freakin' hot as hell. He's into cars. But I have no experience what-so-ever, and he does! Just thinking about that makes me nervous and jealous. I shouldn't be jealous. He's best friends with my brother. There's no way anything can happen between us. They'd never allow it." Taylor grasps my shoulders stoppin
g me mid-rant.

  "I don't think he'd risk being castrated if he didn't care about you."

  "So you don't think I'm just some challenge for him?" I ask what I'm really afraid of. I've been surrounded by guys my whole life. I know how they talk. I know what they really want. But I can't help but want to be wanted--truly wanted. Victor is the only one of my brothers to settle down even if it was a surprise to us all. No one knows how Melissa managed to get him to settle, we just kind of chalked it up to him getting older.

  "What? V! No Way!" Tay pulls me towards the fence. "Is that what you think?" She's watching me carefully. Taylor knows me better than anyone, but this is the first time I've confessed my fear out loud. I have gone my whole life being off-limits, the little sister of the infamous badass Russo brothers. It honestly didn't phase me until around the seventh or eighth grade. All the girls and boys holding hands, becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. I was so excited to possibly have my first boyfriend. Guys in my school either look up to my brothers or they're afraid of them.

  My first kiss was under the bleachers at a football game. He was from the rival school, so he had no idea who I was. It sounds so awful, but I just wanted to kiss someone. To experience what everyone was experiencing and at that point everyone in my school knew not to even touch me. I was the Russos' little sister.

  I went on my first date last year. I had to beg my mom to keep it a secret, and yet, somehow, Vance got wind of it and showed up at the movie theater with Vin and Vaughn in tow. That was my first and last date ever. Why would anyone take the risk to even remotely try to date me, unless it was challenging, or to just get into my pants? Not that it would be easy. I may have had my first kiss with a kid I barely knew, but my lady bits are not open for business to just anyone. I sigh, "Yeah."

  "Oh V, I can't predict the future, but I don't think you're a challenge for any guy. Okay, I lie, but only because you know more about cars than most guys. So, then, you need a guy more your speed. Your brothers care about you, and if any guy is willing to defy them for you, that's the guy you need. Not some pansy who's afraid of a little brotherly love." She makes sense,"So, with that said," she continues talking, "just take things slow. That's all you can do until he puts all his cards on the table. Which by the way, I think will be soon. You guys can figure it out then." I nod. She's right. I've told myself the same thing but sometimes hearing it from someone else helps.

  "Tay, I am so nervous though."

  "You think I wasn't nervous when I started dating Wes? Because I was. Completely."

  "You were?"

  "Hell yeah. I liked him so much, but he's older than us. I knew he was no angel."

  "You never mentioned anything about it?"

  "To you? No way. You have this air about yourself, V. You're strong and confident." I look at her, completely confused. "Don't look at me like that. Until now, I had no idea that you felt that way, and honestly, it shocks me. I didn't express my nerves to you because I didn't think you'd understand."

  I couldn't hide my cringe. She continues, "Not in a bad way, don't make that face. It makes you look like a troll." This makes me laugh. "Anyway"—she waves her hand—"The more time I spent with Wes, the less nervous I was. He's kind and sweet. He never pushed me to do anything, but somehow, he just knew what and when I wanted. So, if you and Chase do get together, you'll know if it's right, and he won't make you nervous."

  "Jeez Tay, when the hell did you get so freakin' insightful?"

  "Shut up, it's always been there."

  I wrap my arm around her. "I love you," I squeeze her.

  "I know. You can't help but love me. I'm awesome." This makes me laugh. She wraps her arm around my waist and puts her head on my shoulder. "You know I love you too."

  "Oh! Wes is up!" Tay's head pops up, her hand drops from around my waist, she moves forward to grab the chain-link fence. Mushy girl time over. "Is that Chase's Z?" I squint.

  "It is! Oh, this is so exciting! Our!"

  I laugh. "He's not my man."

  "Yet,” she coos. This makes me smile. Seconds later, they're off. Their cars are slightly lifting as they give the cars' gas. Wes easily takes the lead. Tay is jumping up and down. It's not exactly a competitive race--we all know Wes' Evo is hooked up to the nines. Chase's Z is still pretty stock. They zoom down the track. The scoreboards flashing their times. Wes got an eleven point six, and Chase's Z came in at fourteen point five. A loud rev pulls my attention back to the starting line. Vaughn and Vance are pulling up. The rev comes from Vaughn because Vance's car is a little quieter; deeper. They lineup and then they're off. Vance is easily pulling away from Vaughn. They zoom past us, with Vance blowing Vaughn's VW out of the water. I smile wide.

  Wes and Chase pull up behind us. Chase is a sight getting out of his car. He’s tall, lean, and tan. They continue walking to us, my eyes following Chase as he comes to stand on my left while Wes is coming up behind Taylor and wrapping his arms around her. Chase doesn't look at me but has a wicked grin on his face.

  "Not bad."

  "Nope, not bad at all." He rocks back and forth on his toes. I decide to mess with him a little.

  "I can do better," I say looking forward, fighting the grin that's trying to form on my lips watching the next two cars pulling up to the starting line.

  "Oh, you think so?" Chase asks.

  "Yep," I say, popping the ‘p’.

  "I'd like to see that."

  "Hmm, I bet you would."

  I hear a jingling of keys. I look his way, slightly shocked at him holding out his keys. He's facing me now, leaning on one of the poles of the fence. He nods behind me. "Show me." My eyes are bugging out of my head. Holy crap, he's going to let me race his car?! What? I'm about to grab the keys from him when Vin heads our way, the phone to his ear.

  "Yeah, okay. It's towards the back of the parking lot." He removes the phone from his ear, presses a button, and slips it into his back pocket. "Tow truck's here," He informs us.

  Vaughn and Vance just pull up, parking aside Chase's car. Vin jogs over to them, as they get out of the car, I assume he's telling them what he just told us. Our little group joins the rest of them just as I hear Vaughn asking, "We calling it a night?"

  I glance around at everyone, Vin's nodding, while Vance voices his agreement.

  "You guys don't have to leave, I'll go with the guys stay," I tell them.

  "You're not going by yourself, are you crazy?" Vance is looking at me like I've lost my mind. I shrug, "Wasn't sure if you guys would want to cut your night short just because my car took a crap."

  He laughs and looks around at the group. "Is she serious?"

  "Stop being a dick, Vance." Taylor puts her hands on her hips.

  "I have no problems heading out early," Chase cuts in.

  "Yeah, we all got some runs in. We can hit up the Field after we drop the car off at the garage," Vaughn volunteers.

  "I'm gonna skip the Field tonight," Vin cuts in.

  "What else you gonna do?" Vaughn elbows him.

  "I'm gonna hit up Sliders," Vin answers while his fingers move around on his phone.

  "Damn, you been goin' there a lot lately. What girl got her hooks in you now?" Vance hollers to him because Vin has started walking towards his car. Vin turns around, walking backward while answering, "Ain't no girls there buddy--women. Lots of women. You have fun hanging with the little girls at the Field. I'll be surrounded by women."

  "Damn," Vaughn whispers, "I can't wait until I'm twenty-one."

  I slap Vaughn in the head. "Shut up, you perv."

  "What?" Vaughn rubs the spot I just smacked him, "Why’d you hit me?" I roll my eyes and start walking towards my car at the back of the lot. Chase jogs up next to me, as everyone else hops in their car.

  "Whatcha doin?" I ask him.

  "Accompanying you."

  "You don't have to do that," I tell him.

  "I know I don't have to, I want to."

  Well. That is nice. Really nice. I
can't keep my smile from spreading. It's so big and taking over my whole face, it almost hurts. "Thank you," I whisper. He returns the smile, but he is incredible. Breathtaking. He leans into me. "No problem," he whispers back, placing his hands in his front pockets. He elbows me then winks as he moves away. Good lord! He needs to stop doing that! My steps pick up a bit, putting some space between Chase and myself.

  Not far ahead, the tow truck driver has already parked in front of my car and is lowering the rollback. He crawls under the front of my car, hooking it to his truck, and he stands up wiping the dirt from his already dirty jeans. The tow truck driver cranks the gear, which is loud, but slowly pulls my car up onto the rollback, then leveling it. The driver goes about making sure the car is secure and jumps off the rollback, approaching us while putting a toothpick in his mouth. "Where we headed?" He looks at Chase for an answer.

  "A town over, about thirty minutes. We're going to Victor's Auto, on Fifth street. We're going that way, so you can follow us there." The driver walks back to his truck and hops in.

  "You still up for driving?" Chase asks me.

  "For real?" I turn to face him. Walking backward, he nods.

  "Hell yeah!" I shout. He pulls out his keys and tosses them to me. I take off before I lose the chance to drive his car again. I can hear him laughing behind me. Everyone's already in their cars, waiting for us. I jump into the Z before anyone can say anything and start her up. It rumbles as she comes to life. I am so giddy I'm shaking. Chase falls into the passenger seat, his presence completely overwhelming me. My giddiness has now turned into nervousness. I hope I don't make an ass out of myself. I put the car into reverse and pray I don't stall his car. What the hell are we going to talk about for the next thirty minutes?

  Take A Picture

  Okay, I lied. Watching Veronica race is the second-best thing I've ever seen. The first? Watching her drive my car. She's sexy doing just about everything, but there's something primal about her being behind the wheel of my car. The radio is on...but it's low, like background noise. I watch her drive the car with ease--like driving is second nature to her, and I guess in a way, it is. I'm comfortable just sitting here, watching her, but it's clear she's not when she speaks.